Monday, August 23, 2010

The Band

Brian Johnson & The Acquitted
This is The Acquitted.  We rock.  That isn't all you need to know, but it is a good start.  Dave Allgeier is our drummer extraordinaire.  From the bowels of Louisville, he has played in many a band and sailed the seas playing on cruise ships.  His basement is one of our main rehearsal spaces, his kitchen one of our many drinking spaces.  Phil Regan rounds out the rhythm section.  Playing his customized Fender bass, he makes sure your chest rattles with the sound of The Acquitted.  His weakness is Bourbon, his love is cooking.

I don't like talking about myself.  I play guitar, keyboards and sing backup.  I kid myself I look real cool.

Brian Johnson, the man-glue that keeps the band stuck on the path of righteousness, is the lead singer, the lead songwriter, and the leader of this band of misfits.  His place is filled with album covers, pictures with the likes of Gary Louris and Kathleen Edwards.  CD's by Josh Ritter and The Wrens adorn his shelves.  This man knows his stuff.  Picks, lyrics, strings and mason jars litter his floor.

If you are fond of rocking, and aren't adverse to rolling, keep your eyes peeled, and your ears to the ground.  You'll hear us long before you see us.

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