Saturday, September 11, 2010

Time To Decide The Cover Art

We are getting to the point where art is our concern.  We want an image that expresses the sound of our band, the sound of our record, and pulls emotion out of the listener before they even hit play.  If it looks nice, that is a plus.

Eric G. Hanus has been working tirelessly out in the fields of rural Indiana and at his computer getting our images together, and we can't thank him enough. Stay tuned, there will only be more from here...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Late Night At The Levee

Zero for two in terms of spelling, but what can you do?  We had a blast at the Levee this weekend.  We had a great crowd, and we rocked like the southbound trains that they are.  The band started at 11, later than usual, but totally worth it.  The crowd began to pile in just as the tubes were warm and we fired up with Riders.  Three sets of bar music, and they ate it up.  2 AM rolled around, and unfortunately we had to shut down.  We could have played until the sun came up, but the police would not be so thrilled.  Thank you Jeffersonville.  Next show: Sept. 23rd, Muddy Boots Cafe.

The real shame is I never got my fried Oreos.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Message From Brian Johnson

Paste Magazine suspended publication today.  For those of you who don't know, Paste was a fine publication.  It introduced me to a lot of great music and supported tons of artists that I love.  It wasn't sarcastic or mean, and sometimes it could be a little too flattering of musicians that were being showcased; but it was a publication that loved music and it always upheld the notion that all culture was to be celebrated. 

It has always been a secret goal of mine to be featured in Paste and I suppose I won't get that chance now.  I think the internet is a great tool, but often times it lacks the editorial control needed for proper journalism.  A weekly or monthly periodical is considered too slow in this day and age, but too often things are posted on the internet without thinking and quality investigation. 

As a society obsessed with pop culture we must keep in mind Facebook and Twitter are tools of promotion and self indulgence, not real insight.  We must strive to keep alive the methods used to bring us quality, thought provoking articles.  I for one will find another periodical in line with my own tastes, although I doubt I will enjoy it as much as Paste Magazine.

I find it horrifying I must post these thoughts on a separate blog because it is too long.  Too long for the internet, and too long for most people's attention spans.
